This translation couldn't be completed without help from a friend, who is a poet.
Visit Arturo Leone's website here.
古巴比倫王頒布了漢摩拉比法典 刻在黑色的玄武岩 距今已經三千七百多年
妳在櫥窗前 凝視碑文的字眼 我卻在旁靜靜欣賞妳那張我深愛的臉
祭司 神殿 征戰 弓箭 是誰的從前 喜歡在人潮中妳只屬於我的那畫面
經過蘇美女神身邊 我以女神之名許願 思念像底格里斯河般的漫延
當古文明只剩下難解的語言 傳說就成了永垂不朽的詩篇
我給妳的愛寫在西元前 深埋在美索不達米亞平原
幾十個世紀後出土發現 泥板上的字跡依然清晰可見
我給妳的愛寫在西元前 深埋在美索不達米亞平原
楔形文字刻下了永遠 那已風化千年的誓言 一切又重演
我感到很疲倦離家鄉還是很遠 害怕再也不能回到妳身邊
愛在西元前 愛在西元前
Love Pre-Anno Domini
It was 3700 years ago
that the King of Babylon
erected the black basalt stele
where the code of Hammurabi was inscribed.
You are studying the epigraph
at the front of the glass box
while I am adoring your face
in complete solitude.
The priests, the shrines, the wars, the bows and the arrows,
to whom did they once belong?
And why should I care if I know
I am the one you belong to?
Before Hera I made a vow in the name of the goddess;
my love flew through like the Tigris.
When the tangled tongues who
spoke in abstruse languages,
and salivated the dusty ash
of their ancient civilization,
legend turned into a poem to live on.
I left to you my love
pre-Anno Domini.
It was buried deep, deep under Mesopotamia.
Unearthed was the dozens of centuries-old tuppu
with my words clearly imprinted on it.
I left to you my love
It was buried deep, deep under Mesopotamia,
where immortality was cuneiformly carved;
where my words were everlastingly revived.
The history is about to repeat itself.
I need a rest but it will be a long way home;
how I long to return to where you belong.
Love pre-Anno Domini.
Lovepre-Anno Domini.
that the King of Babylon
erected the black basalt stele
where the code of Hammurabi was inscribed.
You are studying the epigraph
at the front of the glass box
while I am adoring your face
in complete solitude.
The priests, the shrines, the wars, the bows and the arrows,
to whom did they once belong?
And why should I care if I know
I am the one you belong to?
Before Hera I made a vow in the name of the goddess;
my love flew through like the Tigris.
When the tangled tongues who
spoke in abstruse languages,
and salivated the dusty ash
of their ancient civilization,
legend turned into a poem to live on.
I left to you my love
pre-Anno Domini.
It was buried deep, deep under Mesopotamia.
Unearthed was the dozens of centuries-old tuppu
with my words clearly imprinted on it.
I left to you my love
It was buried deep, deep under Mesopotamia,
where immortality was cuneiformly carved;
where my words were everlastingly revived.
The history is about to repeat itself.
I need a rest but it will be a long way home;
how I long to return to where you belong.
Love pre-Anno Domini.
Lovepre-Anno Domini.
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