All true language is incomprehensible,
like the chatter of a beggar's teeth.

-Antonin Artaud


Do you know what these words mean?

Hira Hira - Japanese: the feeling you get when you walk into a dark and decrepit old house in the middle of the night.

Kanjus Makkhicus - Hindi: a person so miserly that if a fly falls into his cup of tea, he'll fish it out and suck it dry before throwing it away.

Jayus - Indonesian: someone who tells a joke so unfunny you can't help laughing.

Agelast- English: a person who never laughs

Dactylion- English: the tip of the middle finger

Eccedentesiast- English: a person who fakes a smile

Mytacism- English: the incorrect or excessive use of the letter M

Tarantism- English: an urge to overcome melancholy by dancing

Vigesimation – English: the act of killing every twentieth person

Tetrapyloctomy – English: the act of splitting a hair four ways

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